Confidence is something that’s tough to measure, especially in a period of time that’s truly unprecedented in American cities. Many people are experiencing things which make them feel like imposters, or like they’re not really doing their jobs because they are at home, working from the couch if they don’t have a home office. But confidence can be infectious, especially if mentors are willing to slow their day-to-day lives down in order to teach others the ropes and help them feel confident in themselves based on their successes and growth.
In an effort to figure out a little bit more behind the phenomenon of confidence, this survey breaks down confidence levels of Americans all over the United States, showcasing some interesting trends. Based on a 1-10 scale, more than 2500 respondents noted their confidence level, which made for an interesting perspective.
Where do the most confident Americans live?
While the national average of “confidence” is somewhere between 1-10, the most confident Americans live in the southeast. There are a few states that are exceptions to this rule, including Hawaii and Wyoming, but for the most part, respondents that reported a higher confidence level (above 7.5) are predominantly residents of southeastern states like Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida and Georgia.
States and cities in the southeast end up with warmer temperatures, more sunlight, and a variety of other factors that might be possibly playing a role in the confidence levels of the people who live there.
Where do the least confident Americans live?
The results of this study overwhelmingly point to residents of Massachusetts as the Americans with the least level of confidence. It might be surprising to some, especially considering the Bay State’s reputation for abrasive personalities and extroverted attitude.
Although it’s initially surprising, Californians also report a low level of confidence. This could be correlated with the amount of people who are trying to “make it” in Los Angeles, but it could also be due to other factors. The states with the most underconfident or least confident Americans averaged a score of 6.20 or below.
The company you keep affects how you feel, just like the phrase, “guilty by association”. If you’re in one of the least confident areas of the U.S., consider how this might affect your perception of your own abilities. Don’t underestimate or overestimate your abilities — finding confidence is a lifelong affair.
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